Temporary Office Closure

Due to the high numbers of COVID-19 cases around the country, the Company would like to inform its valued stakeholders that physical visits to our offices have been temporarily suspended. This is to ensure the safety of both our staff and stakeholders.

In addition, most staff members will be working from home until further notice.

LLR implores its stakeholders to make use of the below available contact details to access all services;

DepartmentContact NameEmailMobile #
General EnquiriesGabarate Moalosigmoalosi@letlole.com76394159
Debtors ControlConcillia Kotewacollections@letlole.com72664480
Creditors ControlMalebogo Montshiwammontshiwa@letlole.com72963324
Property MaintenanceOtsetswe Mongudiomongudi@letlole.com 76500556
Property MaintenanceGift Patsongpatson@letlole.com72638244
Leasing & LettingThobo Bakwenatbakwena@letlole.com72773896
Property ManagerBaalakani Nlumbilebnlumbile@letlole.com 72811978

LLR will ensure minimal disruption to business operations during this period and will communicate any changes as the situation evolves.
We encourage all our stakeholders to adhere to COVID-19 Protocols and measures as advised by the Ministry of Health

  Follow us on Facebook and Linked In for updates

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Changes to the board of directors

In line with Botswana Stock Exchange Listings Requirements (“BSE Listings Requirements”), unitholders of Letlole La Rona (“LLR” or “the Company”) are advised of the following changes to the board of directors of LLR (“the Board”).

  • Ms Onthatile Tiny Ogotseng has been appointed as an independent non-executive director to the Board with effect from 25 January 2021.
  • Ms Mmametsi Setlhare has been appointed as an independent non-executive director to the Board with effect from 25 January 2021.
  • Mr Sedireng Serumola has been appointed as an independent non-executive director to the Board with effect from 25 January 2021.
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